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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Easy Installation of an Optimized Theano on Current Ubuntu — Theano 0.7 documentation

Easy Installation of an Optimized Theano on Current Ubuntu — Theano 0.7 documentation:

Ubuntu 14.04

sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit # As of October 31th, 2014, provide cuda 5.5, not the latest cuda 6.5

If you want cuda 6.5, you can download packages from nvidia for Ubuntu 14.04.
If you downloaded the run package (the only one available for CUDA 5.0 and older), you install it like this:
chmod a+x
sudo ./
Since CUDA 5.5, Nvidia provide a DEB package. If you don’t know how to intall it, just double click on it from the graphical interface. It should ask if you want to install it. On Ubuntu 14.04, you need to run this in your terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cuda
You must reboot the computer after the driver installation. To test that it was loaded correctly after the reboot, run the command nvidia-smi from the command line.
You probably need to change the default version of gcc as explained by Benjamin J. McCann if the package you downloaded is for another Ubuntu version:

'via Blog this'

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