Blog Archive

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nihil Obstat: Text Mining in WEKA Revisited: Selecting Attributes by Chaining Filters

Nihil Obstat: Text Mining in WEKA Revisited: Selecting Attributes by Chaining Filters: "Because of the reasons above, I will focus on feature selection. In consequence, I will deal with the AttributeSelection filter, leaving the PrincipalComponents one for another post. Let us start with the same text collection that I used in my previous post about chaining filters and classifiers in WEKA. It is an small subset of the SMS Spam Collection, made with the first 200 messag"

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

俞敏洪:交友“宁为牛后” 做事“宁为鸡头”
































Logistic Regression Re-cap

What is Logistic Regression?

Logistic regression is a discriminative probabilistic classification model that operates over real-valued vector inputs. The dimensions of the input vectors being classified are called "features" and there is no restriction against them being correlated. Logistic regression is one of the best probabilistic classifiers, measured in both log loss and first-best classification accuracy across a number of tasks.

Binary logistic regression is equivalent to a one-layer, single-output neural network with a logistic activation function trained under log loss. This is sometimes called classification with a single neuron.

LingPipe: Logistic Regression Tutorial: "Feature Hacking
The joy and curse of feature-based classifiers like logistic regression is that they leave a lot of latitude for "tweaking". Just about anything can be brought in as a feature. With discriminitive models like logistic regression, the features do not even need to be independent."

How to Be Passionate

How to Be Passionate: 6 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow:
1 Express your passion.
2 Take care of yourself.
3 Find your heart.
4 Draw on your experiences in life.
5 Draw strength from the people you love.
6 Find out what you are good at.
1. Remember that your thoughts and feelings are powerful.
2. Stop trying to be somebody and start opening up.
3. Create something new.
4. Be a model of truth and great possibilities.
5. Encounter your deeper story.
6. Experience your longing.
7. Recognize when and how you disappear from the present moment.
8. Know what brings you back.
9. Recognize that freedom is knowing what you love and letting it embrace you.
You already know enough. Stop looking for guidance and start formatting your life around experiencing 
what you love. Seek the experience and it will find you

10. Remember that your gift is how you handle your insecurities.
When you do what you love, you’ll act on instinct, without having to put too much thought into the knowledge you don’t yet have. But that thing you love to do—that’s not your only gift. Your other gift is how you handle your insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, when you do get caught up in your head. This is what shapes your life and sense of belonging.

11. Take intentional actions.
When you set intentions and act on them, you create a natural flow. Directing that flow is how you shape your reality

12. Consistently ask yourself: What is my relationship?
Everything is relationship to everything else. What is your relationship to yourself? You reality emanates from how you feel about yourself.

(You already know what it is; you just lack the courage to acknowledge it because you don’t think you’re good enough.)
What engenders a feeling of belonging and connection in your life? What stops the obsessive thought looping? Build reference points. That’s how you can always find your way back home.
NB6: It’s a big leap to go from dreaming to realizing. Take a step to act out your longing and experience its unfolding. If you let them, your feelings will lead the way.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Princeton's Keller Center: Princeton Entrepreneurs in China

Princeton's Keller Center: Princeton Entrepreneurs in China: ""

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2013-11-22 自由企业家
1992年,当我辗转回到以色列的时候,13岁的老大、12岁的老二和10岁的小女儿都还暂时留在中国 。
选择在那时回到以色列,完全是穷途末路。我的父亲是犹太人,二战时逃亡到上海,并在那时生下了我 。母亲在我很小的时候就抛弃了我们,12岁那年父亲去世,我就成了孤儿。长大后,我在上海铜厂当体力女工。结婚生下3个孩子后,丈夫离我们而去。
留在上海,满眼都是痛苦的回忆。正好那时中以正式建交 ,怀着一种逃避的心情,我成为了第一批回到以色列的犹太后裔。 初到以色列的日子,比想象中要困难许多。
我从上海带去的积蓄只能维持3个月的生活开支, 我必须找到赚钱的办法,还要早日把孩子接到我身边 。我苦攻希伯莱语,学最基本的生活语言,然后我在路边摆了个投资最小的小摊卖春卷。以色列的官方货币是谢克尔,1谢克尔兑换人民币2块钱。
一天, 当3个孩子围坐在小炉子旁边等我做饭的时候,邻居过来训斥老大:“你已经是大孩子了,你应该学会去帮助你的母亲,而不是在这看着母亲忙碌,自己就像废物一样。”
邻居转过头训斥我:“不要把那种落后的中国式教育带到以色列来,别以为生了孩子你就是母亲…”邻居的话很伤人,我和老大都很难受, 回家后,我安慰老大:“没事的,妈妈能撑住,我喜欢照顾你们。”可是,老大说:“也许,她说得没错,妈妈,让我试着去照顾弟弟妹妹吧…”
第二天是祈祷日,孩子们中午就放学了。来到我的小摊,老大坐在我旁边,学着我的样子把打好的春卷皮包上馅,卷成成品,然后入油锅去炸。他的动作一开始有些笨拙, 但是后来越来越熟练…
每天早上,他和弟弟妹妹每人带20个春卷去学校,放学回来的时候,会把每人10谢克尔的卖春卷收入全部上交给我。我觉得很心酸 ,让他们小小年龄就要担起生活的担子。可是,他们没有表现出我想象的那种委屈,他们说他们慢慢开始喜欢这种赚钱的感觉了。
邻居太太经常来跟我聊天 ,告诉我正规的犹太家庭应该如何运作,应该如何教育孩子。犹太人从来不觉得赚钱是一个需要到达一定年龄才能开展的活动,与中国的“教育从娃娃抓起” 一样,他们始终觉得“赚钱从娃娃抓起”才是最好的教育方式。
邻居太太告诉我,在犹太家庭孩子们没有免费的食物和照顾,任何东西都是有价格的,每个孩子都必须学会赚钱,才能获得自己需要的一切。我觉得这样的教育手段比较残酷,不是那么容易接受。但是,孩子们在学校也被灌输着这样的理念。 他们比我更容易地接受了这种犹太法则。于是,我决定改变以前在国内对孩子们的习惯,试着培养他们成为犹太人。
除了老三的方法在我意料以内之外,老大和老二的经营方式都超出了我的想象。我真的没有料到,只在短短数日之 间,以前只会黏着我撒娇的孩子就摇身一变成了精明的小犹太商人。
他们的学业并没有因此受到任何影响,为了琢磨出更多更新颖的赚钱方法,他们很努力地去学习和思考,老师授课的内容很对他们胃口,因为没有奉献精神之类的说教。老师问过他们这样一个问题:“当遭到异教徒的袭击,必须逃命的时候,你会带着什么逃走?”对于这个问题,回答“钱”或“宝石”是不对的。 这是因为,无论是钱还是宝石,一旦被夺走就会完全失去。正确的答案是“教育”。与财物不同,只要人活着,教育就不可能被别人夺走。他们很赞赏老师说的这么一句话:“如果你想将来成为富翁,就学好眼前的东西,它们将来都会大有用处的…”
然后,老大跟我说因为他给我提供了信息,我应该付给他10%的酬金。我犹豫很久,终于决定把600谢克尔这笔大钱给他,他拿到钱后,给我和弟弟妹妹都买了很漂亮的礼物,剩下的钱,他说他会拿去变成更多的钱。老大用这笔酬金邮购了一批在国内很便宜的文具,然后去学校进行售卖,利润再投入继续进货,1年以后,他户头上 的金额就已经超过了2000谢克尔。
尽管老大很会赚钱,但在实际上,老二比他更能领会犹太法则的精髓,犹太人共同的一点是,从事那些不用投入本钱的行业,从事其它人不做的、无须花钱和投资的工作。当老大在利用国内的资源赚钱的时候,老二也在如此做着,不过,他赚的是不需要成本的精神领域的利润。老二以他14岁的年龄和文笔 ,竟然在报纸上开设了自己的专栏,专门介绍上海的风土人情,每周交稿2篇,每篇1000字,每月8000雅戈洛。
老三是女孩子,因为比较矜持,也没有展露出赚钱方面的才能,但是我在她身上欣慰地看到了犹太人对生活的乐观和优雅。她学会了煮茶和做点心, 每天晚上,她会精心煮一壶红茶,配上她自创的口味不同的点心,一家人围坐下来边吃边聊天,老三的点心有点中西合璧的味道,两个哥哥都很喜欢。不过,这些点心不是免费的,两个哥哥支付的点心费用, 刨开成本和每天需要交给我的费用外,老三也能活得很滋润。
当我们家的资金越来越丰富的时候,我们一家四口合资开办了我们家的中国餐厅。我占40%股份、老 大30%、老二20%、老三10%。
我告诉她,我无权干涉我孩子的行为,这是他们赚取他们学费的方式。因为,我已经不再负责他们的所有学习费用。老师的眼睛顿时瞪得大大的,她理解不了像我这样月薪 5000美元的母亲竟然会不给孩子学费。我请她品尝一下女儿做的在家售价2块钱一个的小点心,微笑着告诉她:“这是我的孩子在以色列生活几年以来,学会犹太法则的产物,我相信他们将来都会成为优秀的人才…”
随后的高考中,老大进入了旅游高等专科学校,他说他要成为专业的旅游人才,然后去以色列开办自己的旅游公司,垄断经营中国游;第二年,老二考入上海外国语学院,他说他的理想是当一个作家 ,在不需任何投资和奉献的前提下赚取利润;老三说她会去学中国厨艺,当一个顶级的糕点师,然后去开办全以色列最好的糕点店…
输不起的人,往往也赢不了! 这才是做父母之道。

Business Idea Competition


NVC  (02/03/2014)

RBPC (2/21/2014)

UT Horizon Fund  (11/11/2013)

Dear University of Texas System Colleague,

The UT Horizon Fund, the venture capital fund for the University of Texas System, is hosting its 3rd Student Investment Competition on FridayApril 4th, 2014 in Austin, Texas. CompeteUT is a venture creation and investment competition to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship to student and medical resident and trainees throughout all 15 University of Texas System Institutions.  It’s open to all UT undergraduates, graduates, PhD candidates, post-docs, medical residents, medical interns, and trainees. Sixteen finalist teams will compete for a $100,000 investment award among other prizes. Please disseminate this information across your UT campus.
The first mandatory instructional webinar will be Monday, November 11th, 2013 from 4-6pm detailing the guidelines for the competition. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to attend. There will be time at the end of the webinar to answer any questions you have left.  Detailed instructions on how to attend the webinar will be sent out in the next couple days. For more information, please feel free to visit our website If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact JD Weinstein at or Jeet Vijay at

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Building The Brand Of A Rich Dad - Forbes

Building The Brand Of A Rich Dad - Forbes:
Q: What are some pitfalls that other like-brands should be aware of in terms of building a brand and protecting it?

Kiyosaki: Your brand must serve first. It must be based on a higher mission. The Rich Dad mission is to elevate the financial well being of humanity. It’s not about making money. If you stay focused on serving, the money will come. Protecting the brand has been a lesson in humility. I tried ignoring impostors, but in the end I had to take my own advice get help. And, again, I was inspired by my rich dad’s advice: “If you’re the smartest guy on your team…your team’s in trouble.” I had to go outside myself, my own knowledge and skills and experience and find a partner who shared my passion and brought the needed skills and experience to protect the brand. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to trust your team. It’s a lesson I’ve had to relearn quite a few times.

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(Images) 43 Of The Most Popular Motivation Picture Quotes

(Images) 43 Of The Most Popular Motivation Picture Quotes:

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rice Business Plan Competition

The Rice Business Plan Competition - $1,000,000+ in cash prizes and investment funding

For more information:

Sunday, November 17, 2013




Question: What do most people do when they try to change their lives?
Answer: They make New Year's Resolutions.
Question: And what percentage of people fail at their New Year's Resolutions?
Answer: 92%. Yes, 92% fail. That's terrible.
The number one reason? They may think they have a plan, but they really don't.
"Get in shape" is not a plan.
It's a wish. It's a desire. But there is nothing to act on.


Successful people take action and execute at a high level of productivity.
People who fail - don't.
And yes, they procrastinate.
They spend time on low value activities, and don't spend time on what really matters in their life.

“Indecision is often worse than wrong action.” – Henry Ford
You don't need me to tell you what being indecisive is ….
But what you do need to know is most people will rationalize away indecision and pretend it doesn't happen to them.
There is a fine line however between taking the time to make the right decision – and spending so long in indecision that the opportunity passes you by.

If you're sleep deprived, emotionally stressed out, and lack energy you will feel it in every area of your life - and frankly, you will never perform at the level you are capable of.
It's not just physical energy – it's also emotional and mental energy.
The bottom line is this – you can't be productive unless you've got energy to dedicate to do the things you need to do.

You need to have both motivation and follow through in order to be successful.

Yes, you have the capacity to accomplish anything you desire in your life.
BUT you can't do everything right now.
Setting and sticking to priorities is how you must manage your life so you can really get the most important things done right now.

So I started to outsource – which is a fancy word for saying I hired some help, and it cost much less than I thought it would. It's like buying time

The truth is, not changing is the only reason people actually fail.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Overcome Procrastination and Uncertainty – Take Action Today | The Action Solution

Overcome Procrastination and Uncertainty – Take Action Today | The Action Solution:

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20 Customer Service Statistics for 2011 | Customer1

20 Customer Service Statistics for 2011 | Customer1: "US contact centers spend $12.4 billion annually verifying the caller is who they say they are. 59% of calls require identity verification, but only 3% of these are handled entirely through automated processes.
Source: ContactBabel, The US Contact Center Decision-Makers’ Guide"

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tony Robbins | Profile on

Tony Robbins | Profile on
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How to Be Charismatic

8 Keys to Instant Charisma

5 Qualities of Charismatic People. How Many Do You Have?

What is Charisma? How to be Charismatic
How to Be More Charismatic: 10 Tips |
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8 Keys to Instant Charisma

8 Keys to Instant Charisma: "
“Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love,
a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”
~ Mother Teresa"

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How to pitch to a VC by David S. Rose

David S. Rose: How to pitch to a VC | Video on
If you have only 2 min to spend on this, just read the abstract is fine.

NOTE: 1:
Answer: YOU

The entire purpose of a VC pitch is to convince them that you are the entrepreneur in whom
they are going to invest their money and make a lot of money in return.Now, how do you do this? You actually have to convey about 10 different characteristics while you're standing up there for the 15 miniature presentation


How to make a great presentation
5)Always use presenter mode  (Adobe Ovation; Apple Keynote)
4)Always use a remote control
3)Hands out are not your presentation
2)Don't read your speech
1)Never, ever, look at the screen

1)  Right, so here you want --entrepreneurs by definition are people who are leaving something else, starting a new world over here, creating and putting their lifeblood into this kind of thing. You've got to convey passion. 

2)  You're going to keep my money alive and you're going to make more money out of it.  So I want to know that you're committed to be there to the very end.

3) I don't want another "me too" product. I want somebody who knows, who can change the world out there. But on top of that, I also need realism.

NOTE 5:  (Core parts of presentation)
Company Logo
Business Overview
Management Team
Business Model
Strategic Relationship
Barriers to Entry
Financial Overview
Use of Proceeds
Capital & Valuation



Now, how do you do this? You can't just walk up and say, you know, "Hi, I'm a really good guy, and a good girl, and you should really invest in me." Right? So, in the course of your VC pitch, you have a very few minutes, and most VC pitches -- most angel pitches are about 15 minutes, most VC pitches should be less than half an hour. People's attention span after 18 minutes begins to drop off, tests have shown. So in that 18 minutes, or 10 minutes, or five minutes, you have to convey a whole bunch of different characteristics. You actually have to convey about 10 different characteristics while you're standing up there.What's the single most important thing you've got to convey? What? (Audience: Integrity.)DSR: Boy, oh boy, oh boy! And that's a straight line we got right over there. And I didn't even prompt him. You're right, integrity. Because that's the key thing. I would much rather invest in somebody -- you know, take a chance on somebody -- who I know is straight than somebody where there's any possible question of, you know, who are they looking out for,and what's going on. So the most important thing is integrity.
And then you have to have the skills that it takes to get a company going. And those skills include everything from technical skills, if it's a technology business, to marketing, and sales, and management, and so on. But, you know, not everybody has all these skills.There are very few people who have the full set of skills that it takes to run a company. So what else do you require? Well, leadership. You've got to be able to convince us that you either have developed a team that has all those factors in it, or else you can. And you have the charisma and the management style and the ability to get people to follow your lead, to inspire them, to motivate them to be part of your team. All right, then, having done all that,what else do I want to know as a VC? I want to know that you have commitment. That you are going to be here to the end. I want you to say, or I want you to convey, that you are going to die if you have to, with your very last breath, with your fingernails scratching as they drag you out. You're going to keep my money alive and you're going to make more money out of it. So I don't want somebody who's going to cut and run at the first opportunity. Because bad things happen. There's never been an angel- or a venture-funded company where bad things didn't happen. So I want to know that you're committed to be there to the very end.
You've also got to let me know that there are touchstones. You want to tie in to the rest of the world out there. So, for example, if you reference companies I've heard of, or basic items in your business, I want to know about them. Things that I can relate to: validators, or anything that tells me somebody else has approved this, or there's outside validation. It can be sales; it can be you've got an award for something; it can be, people have done it before;it can be your beta tests are going great. Whatever. I want to know validation, that you're telling me not just what you're telling me, but that somebody else -- or something else out there -- says this makes sense. And then, because I'm looking for the upside here, I've got to have believable upside. And that's two parts. It's got to be upside, and it's got to be believable. The upside means that if you're telling me that you're going to be out there, five years out, making a million dollars a year -- hmm. That's not really upside. Telling me you're going to be out there making a billion dollars a year -- that's not believable. So it's got to be both sides.
On the other hand, there are a lot of things that drive me down, take the emotional level down, and you've got to recover from those. And those, for example, are anything you tell me that I know is not true. "We have no competition. There's nobody else who's ever made a widget like this." Odds are I probably know somebody who has made a widget. And the minute you tell me that -- boom! You know, I discount half of what you're saying from then on. Anything that makes me think. Anything that I don't understand, where I have to make the leap myself, in my own head, is going to stop the flow of the presentation. So, you've got to take me through like a sixth grader -- dub, dub, dub, dub, dub -- but without patronizing me. And it's a very tricky path to do it. But if you can do it, it works really, really well. Anything that's inconsistent within the concept of your thing. If you tell me sales of X, Y or Z are 10 million dollars, and the next slide, or five slides later, they're five million dollars. Well, one may have been gross sales, one may have been net sales, but I want to know that all the numbers make sense together. And then finally, anything that's an error, or a typo, or a stupid mistake, or a line that's in the wrong place. That shows me that -- if you can't even do a presentation, how the heck can you run a company? So this all feeds in together.
So, you know, our great -- these wonderful long bullet points, a whole list of things, you know -- good! No, they're not. The long bullet points are bad. What's good? Short, short bullet points. But you know what? Even better than short bullet points are no bullet points.Just give me the headline over here. And you know what? How many bullet points or headlines does Steve Jobs use? Basically none. What do you do? Best of all, images. Just a simple image. I looked at the image -- a picture's worth a thousand words. You look at the image and you see that, and you drop the whole thing. And then, you come back to me.And you're focused on me and why I'm such a great guy, and why you want to invest in me.And why this whole thing makes sense. So with that said, we only have a very, very short time.
If I know what your competition does, how are you going to prevent your competition from eating your lunch over here? And then all this ties into the financial overview. And you have to have -- you can't do a VC pitch without giving me your financials. I want to know three and, you know, a year or two back, or as long as you've been in existence. And I want to know three or four or five years forward. Five is a bit much. Probably four is rational. And I want to know how that business model that you showed me on a product basis is going to translate into a company model. And, you know, how many widgets are you going to sell?You're making X amount per widget. I want to know what the driver is. We're going to have 1,000 customers this year, and 10,000 next year. And our revenues are going to go this, that and the other thing. And so that gives me the whole picture for the next several years into which I'm investing. And I want to know how the money you're going to get from me is going to help you get there. You're going to open an offshore plant in China, you're going to spend it all on sales and marketing, you're going to go to Tahiti, or whatever out there.
But then comes the ask. This is where you tell me how much you actually want to get.You're looking for 5 million -- at what kind of valuation? Two million at 100,000. What's the money in so far? Who invested? I hope you invested personally. Because I'm following on. If you can't invest in your own thing, why should I invest in it? So I like to know if you have friends and family, or angel investors in there, or you've had more VCs before. What's the capital structure up until this point? And then finally, having done all that, you've now told me the whole thing, so now you've got to bring it back to that conclusion. This is that rocket going up. So hopefully everything has been positive, positive, positive, more positive. And everything, everything you say clicks with me, and it all makes sense. And I'm thinking, "This is really, really great."
And then you take me back to your logo. Just your logo on the screen. And I look at the logo -- okay, good. Now I come back to you. Nothing else to look at, right? And now, you've got to wrap it up and tie it up here. You've got to give me the final, you know -- boom! -- the final pitch that's going to send me into space. Now, in the process of doing this over here,how do you remember the sequences and doers? You've noticed here that I'm not looking at the screen, right? The screen is, actually, in this room, is set up so it's in front of me. So, I couldn't even see if I wanted to. So now, how do I know what's going on here? Well, I've got a laptop in front of me, but you're looking at me. And you're looking at this. What do you think I'm looking at? You think that I'm looking at that? No, I'm looking actually at a special version of PowerPoint over here, which shows me the slides ahead, the slides behind, my notes from here, so I can see what's going on. PowerPoint has this built into every copy of PowerPoint that's shipped. If you use Apple's Keynote, it's got an even better version in Keynote. And then there's another program, called Ovation, you can get from Adobe, that they just bought last summer. Which actually helps you run the whole timers, and it lets you figure out what's going on.

