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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Win32 Shell Scripting Tutorial

A batch file is a plain ASCII text file with the file extension .bat, it is interpreted by the command processor, usually or cmd.exe. Batch files are used to automate repetitive command sequences in the command shell environment.
In the context of batch programming, the environment is exploited for it's ability to store text strings within definable variables known as environment variables as illustrated in the above example, these variables can be used in batch files in much the same way as you would use variables in other programming languages albeit with less freedom. The language used in batch files is usually referred to as a scripting language but it is in-fact Turing-complete hence is actually a programming language.
If you want to get help on a command in Windows, the usual way is to postfix the command with a space and then /?.
By default a normal command accepts input from standard input, which we abbreviate to stdin, standard input is the command line in the form of arguments passed to the command. By default a normal command directs its output to standard output, which we abbreviate to stdout, standard output is usually the console display. For some commands this may be the desired action but other times we may wish to get our input for a command from somewhere other than stdin and direct our output to somewhere other than stdout. This is done by redirection:
Pipelines are another form of redirection that are used to chain commands so that powerful composite commands can be constructed, the pipe symbol '|' takes the stdout from the command preceding it and redirects it to the command following it:
dir | more
The example above firsts requests a directory listing of the current directory using the dir command, the output from this is then piped to more which displays the results in a page by page basis, pausing after each screen full until the user presses a key.
The flow of control within batch scripts is essentially controlled via the if construct.
The example below illustrates some of the features of batch programming.
@echo off
The command echo followed by the option off sets batch echoing to off, this means that the batch commands will not be echoed to standard output, that is, you will not see them on your screen. The line is prefixed by a "@" character which is used to specify that the line it is present on should not be echoed to standard output, hence is needed so that we do not echo the command sequence that turns echoing off.
:: A batch file that concatenates all the files of a given extension in
:: the current directory to a specified file and then zips that file.
Comments in batch files are officially meant to begin with the prefix REM which stands for REMark, this tells the command interpreter to ignore this line. It turns out, however, that it is quicker to use :: in order to markup a comment. :: is used because : indicates the start of a label, the next : tells the parser to ignore this label.
IF "%1"=="" GOTO USAGE
IF "%2"=="" GOTO USAGE
In batch programming, command line parameters are referenced by using the %n notation where n indicates the numerical weight of the parameter on the command line. %0 refers to the name of the batch file itself, %1 the first parameter, %2 the second and so on. You may only reference a maximum of 9 parameters in this way, if you need more you should process these first ones and then use the shift command to access the rest, the shift, shifts the parameters left by one so that %2 becomes %1 etc, hence the non-existent %10 would be shifted into %9 and you could access the parameter. There is no way to recover a parameter once it has been shifted out completely, i.e %0 will disappear upon being shifted.
The program listing illustrates the use of the IF clause to take an alternative course of action if no either or both of the required parameters is missing. %1 and %2 are compared to an empty string which would indicate their omission from the command line if true, hence if the IF clause evaluates to TRUE the command after is executed which is GOTO USAGE which indicates that program control should jump to the USAGE label.
FOR %%i IN (*.%1) DO type %%i >> %2
This for construct enables us to implement iterative behaviour in our batch files. It says that for each %%i within the set *.%1 we should perform the command type %%i >> %2.
%%i is a for-loop variable, these begin with %% and end with a sequence of alpha characters. The for-loop says to assign the values in our set to this variable in turn, which allows us to reference each of the values in the set with the same variable in the for-loop body allowing us to perform a specific operation on each of the values in the set. The specific operation in this case is to redirect the output of type (which dumps the contents of a file to stdout) to a file, specifically %2 which is our second command line parameter. The use of two > characters in series ensures that the contents of the file are appended to the end of the target file and do not overwrite the output file, which would be the case if only one > had been used.
The shift command shifts all command line parameters one parameter to their left, see number 3 for more details about shift. The reason it has been used here is explained in the next callout.
pkzip %1
Pkzip is a shareware file compression program that is executed from the command line, for details on obtaining PkKzip see Auxiliary files for extended batch programming, it takes the command form:
PKZIP zipfile file(s)...
Where zipfile is the name of the zipfile you wish to create and file(s)... are the files you want to put in the zipfile. In order that the zipfile be given the same name as the second parameter (without the extension) passed to the batch file, the notation %~n1 was used to specify that %~n1 should take the value of the name of %1 but not the extension. The notation %2~n1 is not allowed so to reference just the filename of the second parameter passed to the batch file and not the extension, the command line parameters were first shifted to the left by one using SHIFT, as explained previously, the second parameter became the first parameter and it's filename could be referenced with %~n1. Pkzip was told to use the filename as the zipfile and %1 as the file to compress, which (owing to the SHIFT) was the second parameter passed to the batch file.
Labels are specified by prefixing an alpha-character identifier with a ':' character, labels are jumped to using the GOTO.
echo USAGE: %0 extension outputfile
echo Concatenates all the files of the given extension in the current directory
echo to the specified outputfile and then compresses that file into a zip file.
By using echo text may be echoed to standard output so that the user may see it. echo. echos an empty line to standard output. This section of the program is only executed if one or both of the command line parameters are omitted. The program shows that normally execution will be caused to circumvent this section by means of GOTO END immediately prior its declaration.
This works on Windows 2000, I have tested this on Windows 98 and it does not work.
I was fed up of accidentally typing ls instead of dir at the DOS prompt to get a directory listing so I started making some batch files to map the DOS commands like, movedircopy etc. to their Unix equivalents. For example, here is the mapping for copy to cp.bat:
@echo off                               
if "%1"=="" GOTO USAGE
copy %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
copy /?
Which just see's if there is a command line argument present, if there is not, it prints the usage instructions for the command, otherwise it executes the command with the maximum number of command line arguments (9) (just in case). Most of the mappings I wanted to do had this similar format, only varying in the number of required arguments, this is the main drawback. For instance ls (dir) takes no arguments so you would not want to print the usage instructions every time somebody tried to get a directory listing (the person would not even get their directory listing). What I could have done was use some kind of contrived kludge of a counter, a bang counter or something and let the person specify the number of command line arguments on the command line but I wasn't prepared to waste my time doing so when this behaviour suited the majority of commands I had to match. OK, I might take a look at it when I have nothing better to do... like never ;) This got tedious after a while so I thought it would be a good idea to make a command to do the mappings for me.
All I had to do to create a batch file that generated this template was make it echo that template to another file, changing the words "copy" to whatever the command is and do various other things, here it is:
@echo off
if "%1"=="" GOTO USAGE
if "%2"=="" GOTO USAGE

echo @echo off
FOR /L %%i IN (1 1 %2) DO (
  echo if "%%%%i"=="" GOTO USAGE

echo %1 %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9
if "%2"=="0" GOTO END
echo :USAGE
echo %1 /?
echo :END

echo maps a command to an alias
echo map %%1 %%2 
echo %%1 is command to map
echo %%2 is the number of command line args the command *needs*
echo e.g map copy 2 > cp.bat (to map copy to cp.bat)
When referring to echoing, this will occur to stdout but the command is used by redirecting the output to a file so what is being echoed will end up in another batch file. This means the things being echoed are batch commands. The batch file first checks that it's own command line arguments are present, if they are not it echos it's command usage. If the command line args are present, it first echoes:
@echo off
Because this will be present at the top of all of the batch files created. It then enters this loop:
FOR /L %%i IN (1 1 %2) DO (
  echo if "%%%%i"=="" GOTO USAGE
Which starts at 1 and iterates by 1until %%i exceeds the number specified as the second command line argument, so if 1 is specified as the second argument the body of the loop will be executed once, echoing:
if "%1"=="" GOTO USAGE
"%%%%i" echos % followed by the value of %%i, the loop counter. So this loop creates the checks for the command line arguments that the command being mapped should have. If zero is specified as the second command line argument, the loop is never executed which is the desired action since a command with zero arguments needs no argument checking.
echo %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9
command %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
So that the command will then be executed (in the generated file) with the maximum possible number of arguments, this is so that when the command is executed, any redirection and args etc. will be executed too, otherwise the command would not do anything.
if "%2"=="0" GOTO END
echo :USAGE
echo %1 /?
echo :END
The batch then checks if the number of required arguments for the command being mapped was zero, if it was then there is no need to echo the rest of the stuff because a command that needs zero arguments should generate a file like this:
@echo off
copy %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
If the required arguments for the command being mapped is not zero then the rest of the stuff is echoed, the rest of the stuff just ensures that if the mapped command is ran with not enough arguments, that command's usage instructions will be printed by calling the generic DOS help function of the command with the /? switch. The last line skips the usage instructions of map.bat so that the batch terminates.
An example usage will clarify, the contents of mv.bat after executing
map move 2 > mv.bat
@echo off
if "%1"=="" GOTO USAGE
if "%2"=="" GOTO USAGE
move %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
move /?
So of course you can redirect the batch file to somewhere in your path or whatever. Here is another quick batch file that generates some aliases and puts them in a directory of your choice:
@echo off
if "%1"=="" GOTO USAGE

call map copy 2 > %1\cp.bat
call map move 2 > %1\mv.bat
call map del  1 > %1\rm.bat
call map type 1 > %1\cat.bat 
call map dir  0 > %1\ls.bat


echo Creates a set of Unix-named aliases for common DOS commands:
echo map %%1
echo where %%1 is the output directory, e.g c:\windows\command
Notice that the keyword call is used to call the map, this is necessary so that after map has finished, program control will return to the next statement in this batch file. If call had not been used then only the first statement would have executed because the batch would have terminated after map had. Feel free, of course, to add any other commands you want to.

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