Blog Archive

Sunday, March 19, 2017

During heavy traffic, is it more efficient to aggressively switch lanes or to remain in one lane only?

During heavy traffic, is it more efficient to aggressively switch lanes or to remain in one lane only?

Assuming each lane starts/stops seemingly randomly, you'd think someone trying to weave through traffic couldn't predict the change in flow well enough to make a good decision. It seems like someone trying to cheat their way through either ends up right back where they started or even further behind

I’m a police officer and also a long time observer of how people drive and the psychology behind that.
An anecdote….
I went to a doctor’s appointment and got out about 5pm… Full-on rush hour. I was proceeding down the major north-south highway in our area… wall-to-wall traffic with frequent slowings and stoppings.
Most folks were content to simply sit it out. That’s what I do. However, I became aware of one juicy young lad in a sporty car who just couldn’t stand it. In the 10 miles or so of my commute… This fellow must have changed lanes 50 times… Over here, over there… (Never signalling, of course)… This lane would move a little faster so he’d jump in, and then out again as that lane slowed.
Over the half-hour or so I was on the highway…This guy passed me at least 3 times. When I got off the highway, he was still within 100 feet of me…. Having gained absolutely nothing.
Watch people! Unless they are dead lucky, this foolish tactic gains nothing whatever, and greatly increases both stress levels and the likelyhood of being involved in an accident.
I’ve talked to people who do this…. (My wife’s sister is one..) They are what I call “emotional drivers”. They do not think about what they’re doing. They do not plan ahead, and have little regard for safety or the law. The usual statement is… “I just wanna GO! “


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