Dropped iphone 5 in water. Help? | Apple Support Communities: "I used the bag of rice method this weekend and it worked. My iphone 5 had been in my pocket when I fell in our pool while cleaning the pool. So the phone was fully submerged for about 3-4 seconds. I could see water in the camera lens after this occured. It was definitely wet.
First I sucked the water out of the speaker holes with my mouth. Then I turned off the phone. Researched online and found the rice method. I put the phone in a ziplock bag with brown rice (it was all we had) about 45 minutes after the incident. A little while later I was able to find some silica gel packets in some vitamin bottles so I put those in the bag of rice with the phone (another technique found online).
The phone was in there from around 3:30 PM Saturday afternoon until 9:30 AM Monday morning. Took it out this morning and tried to turn it on but wouldn't - got the red low battery signal. After 10 minutes of charging it booted up on it's own. Works fine now. Hopefully it stays that way. By the way check your charger connector on the phone for rice. Luckily I looked before plugging it in. I tapped it on the desk and dislodged 3 pieces of rice that would have been smashed in there had I not checked first."
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