If you stuck on a highway and need some road assistance or towing service, find out your mile marker or exit number first.
1) Google map: (The green oval block "374") is the mile marker.
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2) Map Quest:http://www.mapquest.com
(The green square block "374" is the mile marker.)
Interstate Highway Mile Markers;
Interstate highway mile markers are numbered signposts alongside an interstate highway that are used as a way to determine the exact location of a vehicle.They are also used to calculate how many miles are left on the highway until the next state border.The markers are placed as follows:On interstates that have one or two digits (for example, Interstate 5 or 10 in California), the numbers begin at the south state line on north-south routes and at the western state line for east-west routes. In short, the numbers will always increase when traveling northbound or eastbound.If the interstate begins within a state, the numbering begins where the freeway begins in the south or west.Interstates with three digits and an even first number that form a circular bypass around a city (for example, Interstate 270 around Columbus, Ohio) have mile markers numbered in a clockwise direction, starting just west of the interstate that normally bisects the "loop" interstate at a southern point.Additionally, in states that number the exits of their interstates, the number on the mile marker is the same as the exit number on the interchange. This enables trip planning and navigation to be much easier. For example, let's say the location of a traveler is at exit 23 on an interstate, and the closest mile marker reads 23. The destination is exit 43, corresponding to mile marker 43. So therefore it would be a distance of 20 more miles until the desired exit.Use of the interstate highway mile markers in an emergency is the best way to direct emergency vehicles to the location of the emergency by informing emergency personnel which mile marker the vehicle is closest to. The markers also aid in determining how many miles are remaining until a destination is reached.
Interstate Highway Mile Markers | Reference.com Answers: "Interstate Highway Mile Markers"