Blog Archive

Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to figure out where am I when stuck on road

If you stuck on a highway and need some road assistance or towing service, find out your mile marker or exit number first.

1) Google map: (The green oval block "374") is the mile marker.

View Larger Map

2) Map Quest:

 (The green square block "374" is the mile marker.)

Interstate Highway Mile Markers;
Interstate highway mile markers are numbered signposts alongside an interstate highway that are used as a way to determine the exact location of a vehicle.They are also used to calculate how many miles are left on the highway until the next state border.The markers are placed as follows:On interstates that have one or two digits (for example, Interstate 5 or 10 in California), the numbers begin at the south state line on north-south routes and at the western state line for east-west routes. In short, the numbers will always increase when traveling northbound or eastbound.If the interstate begins within a state, the numbering begins where the freeway begins in the south or west.Interstates with three digits and an even first number that form a circular bypass around a city (for example, Interstate 270 around Columbus, Ohio) have mile markers numbered in a clockwise direction, starting just west of the interstate that normally bisects the "loop" interstate at a southern point.Additionally, in states that number the exits of their interstates, the number on the mile marker is the same as the exit number on the interchange. This enables trip planning and navigation to be much easier. For example, let's say the location of a traveler is at exit 23 on an interstate, and the closest mile marker reads 23. The destination is exit 43, corresponding to mile marker 43. So therefore it would be a distance of 20 more miles until the desired exit.Use of the interstate highway mile markers in an emergency is the best way to direct emergency vehicles to the location of the emergency by informing emergency personnel which mile marker the vehicle is closest to. The markers also aid in determining how many miles are remaining until a destination is reached.

Interstate Highway Mile Markers | Answers: "Interstate Highway Mile Markers"

Monday, June 24, 2013

IEEE - The Smarter Planet Challenge: Student Projects Changing the World

IEEE - The Smarter Planet Challenge: Student Projects Changing the World:

'via Blog this'

Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买 (NCE3-27)

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What is the most important thing for a tramp?
    It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us. There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.
    Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but his is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease. By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or stead occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of my even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?


Friday, June 14, 2013

Condiments for Life

Common Strangers
Strange people
With strange looks
Giving strange advice
Reading strange books
Strange people
Seems they’re always in pairs
Dressing in strange clothes
Sporting strange hair
Strange people
Eating strange food
Giving off strange vibes
Being in strange moods
Strange people
Seems they’re everywhere you are
Strange at church, on strange jobs,
Driving strange cars
Strange people
Have strange ideas about the way things should be
With their strange spouses and strange friends
Like strange you and strange me

Introduced to God
I AM the Father of it all
I AM the Father of all the worlds, planets, stars, and galaxies
I AM the Father of all kindred and people, even you and me and children to be…born
I AM the Father of all heavens, oceans, and seas
I AM the Father of it all
I AM the Father of the past, present, and future, you see
I AM the Father of the unknown, for I know it well.

Indigestion is not a secret you keep well
You’re always reaching across another’s plate
Eating with the fork you picked up that just fell
Stuffing your mouth like it’s a shipping crate
There you are with both elbows on the table
No napkin in your lap
Your chair is wobbly and unstable
Washed your hands but didn’t remove your cap
Sound and rhythm of you sucking and picking your teeth
Unbuckling your belt is your sign that you’ve quit
Relief crosses our faces as you stand to your feet

No longer to be victims of your Po-etiquette

Thursday, June 13, 2013

2012 - 2013 Entrepreneurial Development Series

All Sessions are held in the Jindal School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas.   Click here to register for the entire series or click on individual session to register for a single session.

Program Outline

Sept. 14, 2012
Entrepreneurship 101 - Getting Started
Session A
  • Are you an entrepreneur?
  • Getting started - where do good ideas come from?
  • Understanding customers - creating and capturing value
  • Evaluating your business idea
    Register Now!
Oct. 12, 2012
Creating Value for Your Customers
Session B
  • Who is your customer? What are his needs?
  • Understanding what customers value
  • Pricing/positioning/communicating value
  • Crafting a compelling value proposition
    Register Now!
Nov. 9, 2012
Capturing Value for the Entrepreneur
Session C
  • Capturing value for the entrepreneur and investors
  • Business models: design and development
  • Creating and sustaining competitive advantage
  • Entrepreneurial business strategies
  • Exit strategies
    Register Now!
Jan. 11, 2013
Legal and Governance Issues for the Entrepreneur
Session D
  • Legal and governance issues - an overview
  • When do you need a lawyer? When can you get by without one?
  • Protecting your intellectual property
  • Legal structures: alternative, pros and cons
  • Negotiating the jungle of employment law
  • Securities laws: how do they affect me?
    Register Now!

Feb. 8, 2013
The Business Plan and Investor Pitch
Session E
  • Do you need a business plan? What are your objectives?
  • What are investors looking for?
  • The essentials of a business plan
  • The most important two minutes: the elevator pitch
  • Crafting and delivering your message
    Register Now!
Mar. 8, 2013
What is your Product/Service Offering?
Session F
  • The business context of product/service innovation
  • The role of creativity and innovation
  • Product/service development: strategy and process
  • Positioning your product/service in a competitive market
  • Changing paradigms: evolving concepts of market positioning
    Register Now!
Apr. 12, 2013
Building the Startup Team
Session G
  • What skills does your venture need? When?
  • Organizational structures: options and alternatives
  • Recruiting, hiring, retention and employee development
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Nurturing the organizational culture
    Register Now!
May 10, 2013
Financing Startup and Growth
Session H
  • Sources of financing for new ventures
  • Government programs: What is available?
  • Due diligence: investor evaluation criteria
  • Working with professional investors
  • Managing financial resources: extending the runway
    Register Now!
June 14, 2013
Positioning Your Company for Sustained and Profitable Growth
Session I
  • What is your objective? What should it be?
  • The critical period of transition: the Eight Hurdles
  • Entrepreneurial leadership: from entrepreneur to CEO
  • Anticipating and managing risks
  • Avoiding the perils and the pitfalls
    Register Now!

赴加拿大更新美国F1签证攻略 (US F1 VISA renewal in Canada)


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

8 Simple Ways to Inspire Yourself at Work

Whether you're a CEO, an intern, or anywhere in between, It can be difficult to stay motivated at work. There are priorities, challenges and distractions. There are people who help you - and perhaps people who hinder you. There are office politics, layoffs, and lost clients to contend with. Even if you have an inspiring boss, mission, and culture, it can be helpful to have your own tools to drive you and inspire you. Here are eight ways I've found to get myself in a good place to be productive, at work and in life, when I'm in need of some inspiration:
1) Read a book.
There are thousands of great, time-tested books available for inspiration and motivation. I wrote on LinkedIn about nine great books that have inspired me and changed my life here. I'm currently reading another amazing, timeless, inspirational book that is having a profound impact: How to Win Friends and Influencer People by Dale Carnegie. 
2) Write a blog post or letter.
Reading can be very valuable, but writing requires more thinking, and so it can be even more valuable. Write about something you're passionate about - write about how to solve a problem, or write an article about your business that you wish you had read yourself a year ago. You don't even need to publish it for writing to be effective. But if you do want to publish it,here's how to become a better writer.
3) Exercise.
Sometimes you just need to get the blood flowing. Go for a walk, or a run, or a workout. There are two great advantages of exercise: First, it's healthy for your body. Second, it forces you to spend time thinking - time when you can't be on your smartphone or otherwise distracted. As little as 15 minutes of movement can burn some calories - and set your mind on fire with new ideas and inspiration.
4) Write a thank you note.
Not a thank you email, or a thank you text, or even a thank you phone call - a physical, hand-written thank you note. Tony Robbins said, "Gratitude is the antidote to the two things that stop us: fear and anger." I have found that is impossible to feel upset and grateful at the same time. So every morning, I start out my day by writing three thank-you cards. Here's more about my thank-you card routine.
5) Perform a random act of kindness.
The ironic and amazing thing about acts of kindness is that they end up being kind-of selfish, because you feel SO great after doing them. Open a door for people leaving it for awhile. Help an elderly lady cross the street. Buy a homeless man lunch. Retweet a bunch of people. Whatever you do, take your mind off of yourself and your problems and focus on helping another person. You'll come back feeling rejuvenated.
6) Read inspiring quotes.
Reading a book or even an article can take more time than you have to spare sometimes. So it's worth looking at inspiring quotes from great leaders, writers and thinkers of the past. Google makes it easy - simple search for "Inspiring quotes about [whatever it is that's on your mind]," and feel better within seconds. Here are 25 of my favorite inspirational quotes for leaders.
7) Listen to music.
Plato said, "Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue."Looking to educate your soul? Or perhaps just to let off some steam and feel better about the work before you? Turn on your Itunes, or Spotify, YouTube, or even the radio, to elevate your mood through music. Here are 21 songs to inspire you at work- favorites from 21 entrepreneurs I know.
8) Watch an inspiring video.
As inspiring and uplifting as music can be, video can be even more inspiring. Whether it's your favorite movie, or, if you don't have time, a short video you find through a quick search on YouTube, you can get in a good mood in just a few minutes. Here are two of my favorite inspirational videos on YouTube, courtesy of "Facing the Giants" and Britain's Got Talent respectively:

Whether it's through reading, writing, music, video, or your own virtuous activities, inspiration is absolutely within your reach, anytime you seek it. Whatever challenges lie ahead for you at work, and in life, I hope you'll embrace these tools to inspire yourself when needed.

25 Quotes to Inspire You to Become a Better Leader

Great quotes inspire us to change, to grow, and to become our best selves. I researched thousands of quotes from successful leaders for my last book, to capture one for each chapter, covering 11 simple concepts to become a better leader. My recent LinkedIn post explaining the 11 concepts became the 2nd most read article in LinkedIn history (at 1.3 million views!) So, I'm sharing my favorite quotes here- those which inspired me enough that I published them in the book, along with the runners up. Here are my 25 favorite likeable leadership quotes. I hope they inspire you as much as they have inspired me:
1) "When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen." - Ernest Hemingway
2) "The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them." - Ralph Nichols
3) "Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today." -Robert McKee
4) "If you tell me, it’s an essay. If you show me, it’s a story." —Barbara Greene
5) "I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I've become. If I had, I'd have done it a lot earlier." -Oprah Winfrey
6) "Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet - thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust." -Lance Secretan
7) "As a small businessperson, you have no greater leverage than the truth." -John Whittier
8) "There is no persuasiveness more effectual than the transparency of a single heart, of a sincere life." -Joseph Berber Lightfoot 
Team Playing
9) "Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds." -SEAL Team Saying
10) "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller
11) "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." -Charles Swindoll
12) '"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates
13) "When you're finished changing, you're finished." -Ben Franklin
14) "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." –Charles Darwin
15) "The only way to do great work is to love the work you do." -Steve Jobs
16) "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein
Surprise and Delight
17) "A true leader always keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless." -Charles de Gaulle
18) “Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.” - Boris Pasternak
19) "Less isn't more; just enough is more." -Milton Glaser
20) “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo daVinci
21) "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." -Gilbert K Chesterton
22) "The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude." -Friedrich Nietzsche
23) “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” — Peter F. Drucker
24) "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." —John Quincy Adams
25) "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." —John F. Kennedy
Those are my favorite leadership quotes. Now it's your turn. Which of these quotes speak most to you? What are your favorite leadership quotes? And which qualities make you a likeable leader? Let me know in the comments below- and here's to all of us becoming better leaders!

A song make me crying---- I am Sailing

I am sailing 我在远航
I am sailing 我在远航
Home again 'cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家
I am sailing stormy waters.我在暴风中航行
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
I am flying 我在翱翔
I am flying 我在翱翔
Like a bird 'cross the sky 像只鸟儿飞越天空
I am flying passing high clouds 我在白云中穿越飞翔
To be with you 只为陪伴你
To be free 获得自由
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声
Through the dark night far away 夜空茫茫,远隔万里
I am dying 我正死去
Forever crying 永远哭泣
To be with you 只为陪伴你
Who can say 其中甘苦谁能说
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声
Through the dark night far away 夜空茫茫,远隔万里
I am dying 我正死去
Forever crying 永远哭泣
To be with you 只为陪伴你
Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说
We are sailing 我们在远航
We are sailing 我们在远航
Home again 'cross the sea 跨越海洋 再次归家
We are sailing stormy waters我们在暴风中航行
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝 [3]

美国F1留学生去墨西哥更新签证 (2012-10-12) (US F1 VISA renewal in Mexico)



  2012-10-12 05:16

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