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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bo Yin LID

Bo Yin

ATP Research Laboratory


Dr. Bo Yin has been extensively working on speech-based cognitive load monitoring, cognitive capability assessment, automatic spoken language identification, speech synthesis and distributed speech synthesis in past ten years.

Dr. Yin started research on cognitive load measurement in the Decision Support for Incident Management (DSIM) project during his Ph.D., and joined National ICT Australia in 2009 to continue his work. He has been involved in the commercialisation process since then.

Dr. Yin also co-founded now public listed speech technology company iFlytek Co. Ltd. and acted as the manager of TTS division, research director, director of embedded products and vice president in between 1999-2005.


Dr. Yin received his master and bachelor in electrical engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia.

Research Interests

Dr. Yin's research interests include cognitive capability assessment, cognitive load monitoring, human computer interaction, audio classification, brain computer interface and their applications.


Dr. Yin has been appointed as a visiting fellow in the University of New South Wales, and also member of IEEE and IET.


  1. “The Method of Distributed Speech Synthesis”, 2002, No. 02116017.1, China;
  2. “Distributed Speech Synthesis System”, 2002, No. 02108890.X, China;
  3. “Data Exchanging in Speech Synthesis System”, 2002, No. 02148666.2, China;
  4. “In-vehicle Detachable Voice System”, 2003, No. ZL 2003 2 0120441 2, China;
  5. “In-vehicle Wireless Voice System”, 2003, No. ZL 2003 2 0120442 7, China;

Selected Publications

  1. B. Yin, E. Ambikairajah, and F. Chen, "Articulatory Feature based Duration Modelling for Language Identification," in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Taipei, 2009.
  2. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., "Introducing FM based Feature to Hierarchical Language Identification", Proc. the InterSpeech 2008, Brisbane, Australia.
    Yin, B., Chen, F., Ruiz, N. and Ambikairajah, E., "Exploring Classification Techniques in Speech based Cognitive Load Monitoring", Proc. the InterSpeech 2008, Brisbane, Australia.
  3. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., "Language-dependent Contribution Measuring and Weighting for Combining Likelihood Scores in Language Identification Systems", the Journal of Signal Processing Systems, published by Springer.
  4. Yin, B., Chen, F., Ruiz, N. and Ambikairajah, E., “Speech-based Cognitive Load Monitoring System”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’08), Las Vegas, March 2008.
  5. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., “Improvements on Hierarchical Language Identification based-on Automatic Language Clustering”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’08), Las Vegas, March 2008.
  6. Yin, B., Ruiz, N., Chen, F. and Khawaja, M. A., “Automatic Cognitive Load Detection from Speech Features”, Proc. Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI’07), Adelaide, Nov. 2007, pp. 249-255.
  7. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., “A Novel Weighting Technique for Fusing Language Identification Systems based on Pair-wise Performances”, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU’07), Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2007, pp. 408-412
  8. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., “A Novel Weighting Technique for Combining Likelihood Scores in Language Identification Systems”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2007, Singapore
    Yin, B. and Chen, F., “Towards Automatic Cognitive Load Measurement from Speech Analysis”, Human-Computer Interaction International 2007, Beijing, China.
  9. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., “Hierarchical Language Identification based on Automatic Language Clustering”, InterSpeech 07 - EuroSpeech, Antwerp, Belgium
  10. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., “Language-dependent Fusion in Language Identification”, the Eleventh Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST-2006), Auckland
  11. Yin, B., Ambikairajah, E. and Chen, F., “Combining Prosodic and Cepstral Features in Language Identification”, the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2006), Hong Kong
  12. Yin, B. and Wang, R. H., “A Hierarchic Processing Model In Chinese TTS”, ISCSLP-2000, paper 44, Beijing
  13. Tang, H., Yin, B., Wang, R. H., “Study on Distributed Speech Synthesis System”, ICASSP-2003, pI-732, Hong Kong
  14. Tang, H., Yin, B., Wang, R. H., "Design of embedded application oriented distributed speech synthesis system with high naturalness", In ISCSLP 2002, paper 76, Taipei
ContactDr. Bo Yin

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