来点励志的,心灵鸡汤。 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com):
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 28 21:18:15 2018, 美东)
看到有人转行data scientist的帖子,闲着没事干,简单讲讲自己的例子。
本人也是大龄转行,有卡,自费读了统计master。毕业后顺利在一家fin tech找到risk
modeler 工作,后来转成data scientist。 工作了了两年, 后来去了银行。 银行真
scientist, 跟着engineering team 一起开发新产品。 组里就我一个data scientist
,负责research , 就是 Google, 学习最新deep learning 和 NLP的前沿技术,看
看 能不 能 拿来直接用。 最近刚有过突破, 马上要植入production。
我是爱上了data science。 真的。在我眼里,也就Google, Facebook 等等大科技公
司里的data science research 部门里的 人才是真正意义上的data scientist。这些
人才是在真正研究算法,才是真正意义上的大数据。 顺便说说NLP,你们一定要了解
Google和stand Ford的 两个产品, word2vector 和 glove。 一个浅层neural
很多中小型公司的里的data scientist , 只是懂点machine learning ,懂点编程
quantitative analyst. 即使Google, data scientists 也有两个career track。包
括我自己,也不是真正意义上的data scientist。 但是我在学真正data science里的
但是要成为一个data scientist, 即使是quantitative analyst,你必须会Python,
现在 machine learning 和deep learning里 Python支持的比较多。同时会R 最好,多
门手艺吗,技不压身。你要回几乎独立的解决data的 ETL,能从不同的数据结构里
parse data,转成structured data, 转成machine learnable data type. 你要懂传统
的machine learning algorithm。 你要开始涉猎deep learning 和 NLP。 你要能几乎
独立的从scratch 开始,develop 新model, 解决business 问题。
下来再说说下薪水。 我对自己的现在的薪水很 满意。已经比三年前刚入行升了80%左
右了。所以现在很珍惜现在的工作。 在过个两年,只要两年,如果能在deep learning
和 NLP 上做些真正有意义的项目, 15 -19万年薪不是梦。但是这个薪金是个真正做
deep learning和大数据的专门人才啊。 而且这不是硅谷啊。 当然如果有人跳出来,
但是决定我最终career成功的不是什么技术,而是技术之外的东西, communication,
personality,vision。 真的, 年纪不小了, 学新东西还行,但是不能跟小年轻比
了。你让我当场来个简单的leetcode, 我肯定fail。 大公司像Amazon, Google 除非
有人了解,一起做过项目, 光靠内推,recruiter帮忙,也不可能进去了。而去这些大
公司干个几年又是我的梦想。 而且人到中年,求稳,不在有十年前的那种闯劲和激情
最后一句话,想转行的, 赶紧转。问东问西有何意义,你只有有了入行的条件,才能
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Blog Archive
- 来点励志的,心灵鸡汤。 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)
- 怀念亚杰
- 年薪百万美元仍嫌少 AI人才收入到底有多高?
- How to Make Yourself Future-Proof 如何与时俱进
- 加拿大班芙国家公园之行 - 班夫国家公园游记攻略【携程攻略】
- 移民生活:拿到美国绿卡后应该注意的事项_搜狐房产_搜狐网
- How to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04
- End-to-end training in Kaldi · Issue #2256 · kaldi...
- Emotion Recognition Technology Leads to Quantitati...
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Sunday, April 29, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
年薪百万美元仍嫌少 AI人才收入到底有多高?
年薪百万美元仍嫌少 AI人才收入到底有多高?
2016年,OpenAI给它的顶级研究员Ilya Sutskever开出了190万美元的工资,另一位重要研究员Ian Goodfellow工资超过80万美元——哪怕他是3月份才入职的。这两位研究员都是从谷歌挖过来的。
另一位该领域的大牛人物——机器科学家Pieter Abbeel的收入为42.5万美元,看来起虽然比上面两个人少,但他其实2016年6月才加入OpenAI。之前,Abbeel是加州大学伯克利分校的教授,加入OpenAI后的工资都包括签约奖金。
鉴于理解人工智能技术的人不多,而全世界成千上万的公司都在开发这项技术,因此顶级人工智能研究员的薪资近年来水涨船高。加拿大的独立实验室Element AI预计,全球大约有22000人具备进行专业人工智能研究的能力,这个数字较去年增长了一倍。
人工智能创企Skymind的首席执行官兼创始人Chris Nicholson表示:“(对人工智能研究员的)需求越来越高,供应跟不上。”
在谷歌和Facebook实习后,Wojciech Zaremba加入了OpenAI,他说:“人工智能专家的工资高到可怕。”虽然无法透露具体数额,但Zaremba表示,大型科技公司给他开出的公司,大概是他真正市场价值的2-3倍。
OpenAI的其他研究员,包括和Sutskever一起领导实验室的Greg Brockman,在实验室的第一年却没有享受到这么高的工资待遇。
也就是说,科技公司可能很难留住自家的人才。去年,在加入OpenAI仅仅11个月后,Goodfellow又回到了谷歌。Abbeel和其他两个研究员也离开OpenAI,创办了一家机器人创企Embodied Intelligence。还有一位研究员——Andrej Karpathy,也离开这家非营利机构,去特斯拉当上了人工智能主管,现在在开发自动驾驶相关技术。
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年薪百万美元仍嫌少 AI人才收入到底有多高?
2016年,OpenAI给它的顶级研究员Ilya Sutskever开出了190万美元的工资,另一位重要研究员Ian Goodfellow工资超过80万美元——哪怕他是3月份才入职的。这两位研究员都是从谷歌挖过来的。
另一位该领域的大牛人物——机器科学家Pieter Abbeel的收入为42.5万美元,看来起虽然比上面两个人少,但他其实2016年6月才加入OpenAI。之前,Abbeel是加州大学伯克利分校的教授,加入OpenAI后的工资都包括签约奖金。
鉴于理解人工智能技术的人不多,而全世界成千上万的公司都在开发这项技术,因此顶级人工智能研究员的薪资近年来水涨船高。加拿大的独立实验室Element AI预计,全球大约有22000人具备进行专业人工智能研究的能力,这个数字较去年增长了一倍。
人工智能创企Skymind的首席执行官兼创始人Chris Nicholson表示:“(对人工智能研究员的)需求越来越高,供应跟不上。”
在谷歌和Facebook实习后,Wojciech Zaremba加入了OpenAI,他说:“人工智能专家的工资高到可怕。”虽然无法透露具体数额,但Zaremba表示,大型科技公司给他开出的公司,大概是他真正市场价值的2-3倍。
OpenAI的其他研究员,包括和Sutskever一起领导实验室的Greg Brockman,在实验室的第一年却没有享受到这么高的工资待遇。
也就是说,科技公司可能很难留住自家的人才。去年,在加入OpenAI仅仅11个月后,Goodfellow又回到了谷歌。Abbeel和其他两个研究员也离开OpenAI,创办了一家机器人创企Embodied Intelligence。还有一位研究员——Andrej Karpathy,也离开这家非营利机构,去特斯拉当上了人工智能主管,现在在开发自动驾驶相关技术。
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Saturday, April 21, 2018
How to Make Yourself Future-Proof 如何与时俱进
Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:53 AM PDT I recently read the book summary of Life 3.0. It describes a future, called Life 3.0, where artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a dominant force in the world. At that time, there is a possibility that AI would rule the world because it has superintelligence that far surpasses human intelligence. It’s still a distant future, but recent advancements have made it closer and closer. Through a field known as machine learning, for instance, computers can now learn to perform a task without being taught before. They can learn from experience and get better by themselves. Currently, this only applies to specific fields (e.g. playing chess or translation), but over time it could be applied to multiple fields at once. What about the near future? In the near future, the threat of AI is how it endangers jobs through automation. More and more jobs can be replaced by machines as they become more intelligent. The Economist recently published a special report about it. You might think that your field is safe, but it’s better to prepare yourself before it’s too late. You should make yourself future-proof. How can you do that? I believe that the key is being a versatilist: someone who can be a specialist in a particular discipline, while at the same time be able to change to another role with the same ease. Versatilists have the ability and flexibility to transform themselves if necessary. When Thomas Friedman used the term in his book, it was applied mainly to the danger of outsourcing. But I think it’s now more applicable to the danger of automation. Rather than betting yourself on just one possible future, train yourself to be able to create alternative futures for yourself. That way if one future doesn’t work for you, you have the ability to create alternatives for yourself. Here are some tips on making yourself future-proof. 1. Be curious. Friedman used the term Curiosity Quotient and said that it’s essential. Why? Because if you are curious, you will be interested in multiple fields. You will love to learn new things. Instead of considering learning a burden, you will consider it an adventure. Curiosity is essential to becoming a versatilist. 2. Learn how to learn. Because you need to constantly learn new things, knowing how to learn is the most important skill you need to master. It’s the meta-skill that allows you to learn other skills quickly. 3. Invest in self-education. There is no other choice: you need to keep educating yourself. So invest in your self-education: buy books, take courses, and more. As Benjamin Franklin once said: “If a man empties his purse into his head no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” 4. Have a community. I wrote about the importance of community before. If you become a versatilist, having a community is even more important. Why? Because your work identity may change a lot, so you need something else to root yourself in. It can also give you the support you need as you go through the changes. 5. Build your network. While your community is about the people you spend a lot of time with, your network is about your acquaintances. It gives you the strength of weak ties. It could give you more opportunities than your community because the people there are more diverse. So build your network before you need it. *** If you apply the tips above, you will make yourself future-proof. There will still be challenges, but you will survive and even thrive. – Recommended Book Summaries – |
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Saturday, April 14, 2018
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
source: http://www.sohu.com/a/131517223_360304
reference: http://blog.mygcvisa.com/2013/02/what-do-after-getting-green-card_17.html
source: http://www.sohu.com/a/131517223_360304
reference: http://blog.mygcvisa.com/2013/02/what-do-after-getting-green-card_17.html
1. 随身携带你的绿卡
2. 每次搬家之后,要向移民局申请地址的变更
在你成为公民之前,如果你在美国境内搬迁,根据法律的规定,你应该在10 日之内通知移民局。不通报搬家新地址,后果非常严重。可能受到200到1000美金的罚款;长达六个月的牢狱之苦;搬家后没有填报通知表格,移民局依法还可以把没有告诉移民局搬家换了新地址的外籍人士”递解出境”。移民局要真的找麻烦的话,搬家不报的小事也可以成大事。
3. 更换社会安全卡
你的社会安全卡上印有“VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION”的字样。你可以在获取绿卡以后,重新申请一张新的社会安全卡。新的社会安全卡和旧的是同一个卡号,只是去除了上述的字样。
4. 注册服役筛选服务
5. 纳税义务
How to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04
How to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04:
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How to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04
It is really important to know how to configure static IP Address on Ubuntu Server, Because it is almost impossible to run a server without a static IP Address.
During the installation, Ubuntu Server by default configured to use dynamic IP Address. In this Tutorial we are going to learn how to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04.
Following are the steps we are going to follow
- Check Available network interfaces on Ubuntu Server 16.04
- Add static IP Configuration to the network configuration file.
- Restart Ubuntu Networking Service.
Check Available Network Interfaces on Ubuntu Server
First of all you need to get the list of available network interfaces on your Ubuntu Server 16.04. We can use ip link show command to find available network interfaces on Ubuntu Linux.
ip link show
You should get the similar output as below screenshot shows.
As above image shows, Our Ubuntu Server has Ethernet interfaces called enp0s3. Next we'll set static IP address to the enp0s3 interface.
Set static IP Address to the network interface
For this example I am going configure enp0s3 Ethernet interfaces with following ip configuration
IP Address =
Network mask =
Default gateway =
DNS Server = and
On Ubuntu server, in order to set static IP address we need to add IP configuration to the /etc/network/interfaces file. So open the /etc/network/interfaces file using a command line text editor (You can use vim or nano on Ubuntu Server).
vim /etc/network/interfaces
Then set static IP address as follows.
First line of configuration should be the word "auto" followed by the interface name (This brought up the network interface automatically when system boot or when networking restart).
auto enp0s3
The next line should specify whether to use static IP address or dhcp ip on the enp0s3 network interface. In our case it should be static.
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
Then add the static IP configuration as follows.
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
Restart Networking Service
After setting up IP Configuration, we need to restart Ubuntu networking service.
sudo ip addr flush enp0s3 && sudo systemctl restart networking.service
1) Before run the above command line, ensure systemctl installed, if not, you need physically go up to the server and reboot it to take effect. i.e.:
sudo ip addr flush enp0s3
Verify the static IP configuration.
After restarting network, use ip add command to make sure that static ip address has been assigned to the network interface.
ip add
Then send ICMP request to a remote host to check the connectivity.
ping -c 4 google.com
Configure Multiple Network Interfaces
Same Way you can configure multiple network interface on ubuntu server using /etc/network/interfaces file.
In the following example, I have set static IP Address on two network interfaces (enp0s3 and enp0s8).
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
auto enp0s8
iface enp0s8 inet static
*** Most important thing when configuring multiple interface is you cannot set multiple default gateways. Only one interface should configure with the default gateway. For other interfaces you should add default gateway using static routes.
Summary : Set Static IP Ubuntu Server 16.04
In this tutorial we learned how to set static ip address in Ubuntu server 16.04.
- Using ip link show command we identified the available network interface in our ubuntu server 16.04.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2018
End-to-end training in Kaldi · Issue #2256 · kaldi-asr/kaldi
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Emotion Recognition Technology Leads to Quantitative DataAnnalect
Emotion Recognition Technology Leads to Quantitative DataAnnalect: "Emotion Recognition Technology Leads to Quantitative Data"
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Emotion recognition technology measures moods in voices and facial expressions in a quantitative way, enabling brands to be more specific about their emotional impact.
Members of your marketing test group state that they love your product, but their facial expressions tell another story. Which do you believe?
Emotion recognition technology will revolutionize the way brands connect with and appeal to their audiences in profound ways. The business world’s general move toward analytics represents a shift from gut-based decision-making in favor of observation-based ones. Yet, this hard-data approach can miss the nuance of more subjective, complex realms like that of human emotions. At least it did until now.
Rapid advances in mood-detecting technology, including voice and facial recognition software, will allow marketers and brands to account for emotions in quantitative, verifiable ways. In the near future, expect this technology to enable marketers to refine not just creative content but the structure of strategic campaigns as a whole.

Establish Concrete Emotions from Creative Content
One of the most immediate applications of emotion detection for marketing purposes lies in the ability to register emotion in response to a piece of creative work. What you find is often surprisingly different than what you expect, cementing the need for such analytical methods that make the qualitative quantitative.
The Super Bowl Moodometer project was one of the first of these facial recognition analyses to hit the marketing world, but it certainly will not be the last. The study found that the actual emotional response to commercials such as Mountain Dew’s “PuppyMonkeyBaby” spot could differ from reactions on social media.
Similar subsequent studies conducted during the 2016 holiday season were able to assign objective accolades including “most engaging festive ad” through facial recognition data rather than subjective, self-reported opinions. Marketers can use techniques such as these to ensure that their ads not only produce the desired self-described emotions in brand conversations but also the desired genuine emotions during exposure to the creative itself.
Gauge Interest in Real Time
As mood-detecting software improves, it will be able to be used for more than simply registering if emotional content elicits the desired effect. By looking out for more subtle emotions such as boredom or disinterest, brand messaging or creative can be micro-adjusted in order to maintain the highest level of engagement.
One professor at China’s Sichuan University is already using mood-detecting technology in this way to note what points in his lectures become boring to students and cause them to mentally drift. Brands can use this same observational approach to swap out the more tedious elements of their message in favor of ones that keep audiences attentive.
Make Smart Home Devices More Empathetic
Voice-activated smart home devices have been finding increasing use in recent years, from controlling light switches to playing music. A manufacturer of these appliances hopes to improve the satisfaction of its users by adopting emotion recognition software. By recognizing when users are getting irritated during their experience, the product can apologize and smooth relations over, enhancing satisfaction and reducing the negative impact of missteps.
Whether by measuring moods in your voice or face in a quantitative manner, emotion recognition technology will soon enable brands to be more specific about their emotional impact — or lack thereof — than ever before.
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Monday, April 9, 2018
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Chase Sapphire Reserve 美国最棒的旅行积分信用卡
Chase Sapphire Reserve 信用卡简介
【2018.04.07 更新】Chase给部分持卡者发了邮件,正式开放了Sapphire Reserve卡的refer资格。被refer的人拿到的是正常的50k开卡奖励,每通过一个refer的人可以拿到10k UR点数,最多50k!欢迎点击下面的连接申请:

- 开卡奖励50k: 开卡三个月内消费$4000可得 50,000 Utimate Rewards(UR)点数!最高开卡奖励是100k,但是不知道以后还会不会出现了。
- 此卡得到的点数为 Ultimate Rewards (UR),我们对它的估值是 1.6 cents/point,简介见下文。因此其 50k 的开卡奖励价值约为$800!
- 持有此卡之后就可以把 UR 点数转为航空里程或酒店点数了。同时此卡可以把 UR 点数以 1.5 cents/point 的固定比例在 Chase UR travel portal 上用掉,使得 UR 点数的保底价值达到了1.5!
- 每年(account anniversary year)可报销 $300 旅行类别的消费,这个报销会在1~2个 billing cycle 之后自动以 statement credit 的形式出现。根据目前所知消息,只要是 Travel 类别的消费都会被自动报销,包含:航空、酒店、打租车、火车、路桥费等。副卡共享此$300年度报销额度。
- 旅行(Travel)和吃饭(Dining)可以获得 3x UR,其他类别 1x。
- 持卡人会获得一张单独的 Priority Pass Select 卡(先去这个页面注册才给你发卡),可以在世界范围内(包括中国)的不少休息室使用,比如北京国航等航空公司的头等舱休息室。副卡持有者也会有自己单独的 PPS 卡。每张 PPS 卡都可以免费带人进去,官方并没有说明可以带的人数上限!
- 此卡可以报销 Global Entry 或者 TSA Pre✓ ($100)。Global Entry 是美国海关的快速通道,TSA Pre✓ 是美国国内机场的快速安检通道,只有美国公民或者绿卡持有者才能申请它们。
- 这张卡是 Visa Infinite 卡,拥有各种 Visa Infinite 的福利。其中最重要的几项福利包括:
- Visa Infinite Hotel Collection, Visa Infinite Hotel Privileges, Visa Infinite Car Rental Privileges
Visa Infinite Air Discount(同行往返$100折扣):很遗憾此卡并不包含这项福利。
- 提供 Primary 租车保险(详见《租车保险概述》)。
- No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF)。
- 此卡是金属卡,卡面设计酷炫,重量重逼格高。
- 此卡可以 Refer a friend。请点击这个链接开始 refer。推荐此卡给朋友并且申请成功的话,每成功一个你可以得到10k点数,上限为50k(5人)/calendar year。
- 年费$450,不免首年年费,副卡每张年费$75。【友情提示】所有信用卡的年费均不计入开卡消费任务!
- 最低批卡额度$10k,对收入和信用的要求比较高。
UR 点数简介
- 可以攒 UR 点数的信用卡主要有:Chase Freedom, Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU), Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP), Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR), Chase Ink Cash (商业卡), Chase Ink Preferred (商业卡) 等等。
- 各 UR 卡攒的 UR 点数可以随时移动到自己的另一张 UR 卡上。
- UR 点数永不过期。关卡会导致该卡上攒的 UR 点数消失,但只要提前先把 UR 点数移动到另一张 UR 卡上就 OK 了。
- 在持有 Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP), Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR) 或者 Chase Ink Preferred (商业卡)的情况下,UR 可以转为一些航空里程。UR 最常见且最划算的用法之一是1:1转成美联航 United Airlines (UA) 里程(星盟),和 UA 卡攒的里程一起凑回国机票。其他比较推荐的里程还有:大韩航空 (KE)(天合)、英国航空 (BA)(寰宇)、西南航空 (WN)(非联盟)、新加坡航空 (SQ)(星盟)、法荷航 Flying Blue(天合)、维珍航空 (VS)(非联盟)等等 。这样使用的话点数价值大约 1.6 cents/point。
- 在持有 Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP), Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR) 或者 Chase Ink Preferred (商业卡) 的情况下,UR 可以转为一些酒店点数。 UR 最划算的用法之一是1:1转为 Hyatt 点数,这样使用的话点数价值大约 1.8 cents/point。UR 点数还可以转为 Marriott 点数,但是这样转点的话点数价值较低,一般来说只适合转少量点数凑 Marriott 大礼包。
- 在持有 Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR) 的情况下,可以直接以 1.5 cents/point 的固定价值在 UR travel portal 上订机票;在持有 Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP) 或者 Chase Ink Preferred (商业卡)的情况下,可以直接以 1.25 cents/point 的固定价值在 UR travel portal 上订机票。
- 持有任何一张 UR 卡都可以把 UR 点数以 1 cents/point 的固定价值换成钱。
- 综上,我们给 UR 的综合估值是大约 1.6 cents/point。
- UR 点数体系的更多信息见《信用卡点数价值最大化》(综述性)和《UR 攒点方法》《UR 点数使用》(超详细)。
- 【5/24政策】如果两年内有5个或更多信用卡新账户(所有新账户,不是仅仅Chase的),则Chase不给批此卡。在Chase有账户的朋友可以去branch里查询pre-approval,in branch pre-approved offer可以绕开此限制。此外有 invitation code 的 mail offer 也可以绕开限制。详情可见《Chase 5/24 规则详解》。
- 如果满足下列条件之一,你将无法获得开卡奖励并且申请会被秒拒:(1)正在持有任何 Sapphire 系列信用卡;(2)24个月内获得过任何 Sapphire 系列信用卡的开卡奖励。注意是从拿到开卡奖励的时刻开始算,不是开卡时刻也不是关卡时刻。
- 30天内尽量不要申请大于2张Chase的卡,否则很大概率被拒。
- 建议在持有其它 Chase 卡3个月以后申请,或者在信用记录在一年以上时申请。
Chase 新一代高端卡,前段时间轰轰烈烈的讨论也不少了。$300 的 Travel 类别自动报销、范围广,用掉难度不大,因此等效年费只有$150。还有比较给力的 PPS 卡可以用。相比于 Sapphire Preferred 不给力的 2x, 此卡 Travel & Dining 3x 大大加快了攒点速度,在 UR 网站里使用 UR 点数的价值也更高 (1.5c vs 1.25c) 。如果你一年在 Dining 和 Travel 上的消费足够多,相比于 CSP 其实是更划算的!而且 Trip Delay 只要6小时就可以报销等。因此综合对比下来,这张卡更值得大家长期持有。最大的困难可能就是524规则。总之,强烈推荐此卡!
- Chase Sapphire
- Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP)
- Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR)(本文)
CSP 和 CSR 的对比见《CSP vs CSR 哪个更加值得长期持有?》
- Chase Freedom。需要说明的一点是,通过CSP降级,你可以获得第二张 Freedom,因此降级前即使拥有 Freedom 也没关系。
- Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU)。
- Chase Sapphire。如果无法成功降级成前两张好卡,可以考虑先降级成这张矬卡,将来再转。
- Chase 查询申请状态可以拨打 800-436-7927。这是一个自动回应的电话,得到的信息含义如下:Receive decision in 2 weeks: 过的可能性比较大;Receive decision in 7-10 days: 被拒的可能性比较大;Receive decision in 30 days: 只是表明还需要进一步审核,目前没有更多消息可以告诉你。
- Chase reconsideration 后门电话:888-270-2127 or 888-609-7805。申请Chase的卡只要不是秒过,就可以准备打这几个电话了。客服会直接要你的个人信息,然后就跑一边去审核了,很少问你问题,听音乐就好了…听完音乐客服就会给你决定,很多时候就是通过or拒绝,也会有要你补充材料的,听清楚要求拿着对应材料去branch或者online fax过去就好。
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